Tadah Archive Project Logo

Welcome to the (unofficial) Tadah Archive Project.

This is an archive of the Tadah website as it appeared on June 10 2022.

Main site archive
Mauer archive

Avatar fetcher tool

You can use the avatar fetcher tool to easily fetch your (or anybody else's) avatar thumbnail.

Note: The account used for archival is an alternate account somebody donated to me. The email address is a throwaway.

Tadah Archive Project Discord

Have a question about the archive? Want to meet up with fellow Tadah users? Look no further than the Tadah Archive Project Discord!

Join the Discord https://discord.gg/Jy9rgTtdNW

Retrieving asset files

You're able to download asset files using this URL:

Retrieving unmodified pages

The archive slightly modifies some pages so they can be properly displayed. You can disable this by adding id_ to the URL like this:


June 12 2022 (12 PM ET): Updated forum archive. Will be updating it another time soon (Update 2022Jun13: This never happened unfortunately)
June 12 2022 (2 PM ET): The Access-Control-Allow-Origin header has been set. You may now access pages saved by the Tadah Archive Project using JavaScript on other websites.
June 12 2022 (4 PM ET): Added Tadah Multi-Archive Thumbnail Fetcher.
June 13 2022: That's a wrap! All data collected by the Tadah Archive Project will be publicly available for download soon.

Download data

All Tadah Archive Project data will be publicly available for download soon.

Tools used to create this archive

grab-site was used for the crawling
cookies.txt extension was used to extract cookies so grab-site could crawl with an account
pywb is used to display the contents of the archive